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At The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church parish, we continue to live out the ancient faith of Orthodox Christianity in a way that is relevant to today. We practice unity in essentials, diversity in non-essentials, and charity in all things. We welcome all to come and worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with us as it was done in the first days of Christianity, and has now continued for over 2,000 years in our Lord's One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Orthodox Church.

Church Service Schedule​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Saturday, March 1

8:15 am Orthros/9:30 am Divine Liturgy


Sunday, March 2

8:15 am Orthros/9:30 am Divine Liturgy

1pm Forgiveness Vespers


Monday, March 3 - Lent Begins

5pm Great Vespers


Wednesday, March 5 

6pm Presanctified Liturgy


Friday, March 7

6pm Salutations Service 


Saturday, March 8

8:15 am Orthros/9:30 am Divine Liturgy


Sunday, March 9

8:15 am Orthros/9:30 am Divine Liturgy


Monday, March 10

5pm Great Vespers


Wednesday, March 12 

6pm Presanctified Liturgy


Friday, March 14

6pm Salutations Service 


See more on our church calendar

Upcoming Church Events​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Sunday, February 23 

11:30 am Philoptochos Day of Caring Coffee Hour


Saturday, March 1 - Cheesefare Saturday 

8:15 am Orthros/9:30 am Divine Liturgy


Thursday, March 6 

10am Philoptochos Meeting


Friday, March 7

7pm Reception after Salutations Service


Saturday, March 8 - First Saturday of Lent

8:15 am Orthros/9:30 am Divine Liturgy

6pm Great Vespers @ Sts. Constantine and Helen, Middletown


Tuesday, March 11

6pm AHEPA/DOP meeting


Thursday, March 13

11:30 am Young at Heart Luncheon


Friday, March 14

7pm Reception after Salutations Service


Sunday, March 16

11:30 am Greek Independence Day Luncheon and program


See more on our church calendar


Our community has a deep Greek history, and now many different people from varied cultures worship together, all united by our common Orthodox Christian Faith.


Our parish has many groups and charity organizations that help our church and our community. There is something for everyone's interest. 


Join us the weekend after Labor Day. Our festival brings together people of all backgrounds and cultures to celebrate all things Greek.

Church Candles

Request a 7-day candle to be lit with prayers by the clergy.

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