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Community Outreach

Our ministries and organizations help the community locally, nationally, and internationally with volunteering and donations. From AHEPA's monthly community sandwich making for House of Bread, to GOYA serving meals at St. Vincent de Paul's Gateway Shelter, to Philoptochos managing and donating to Homefull's Donation Station, our parishioners are in the community helping others as is it written in the Gospel.


Local Organizations:

American Red Cross

Alzheimer’s Association

Artemis House

Brigid’s Path

Brunner Literacy Center

Cancer Society

Care House

Charity at Home

Children’s Medical Center

Cincinnati Church Women United

Clothes that Work

City Heart

City of Xenia Schools PJ and Book Program

Cystic Fibrosis


Day of Caring, Dayton

Dayton Autism Society

Diabetes Association

Edison School

Elizabeth New Life Center

Families of Addicts

Fisher Nightingale House

Gem City Market

Grafton Hill Association

Greek Orthodox Youth of America


Hospice of Dayton

Linda Vista Domestic Violence Shelter

Little Mended Hearts

Maple Tree Alliance

Mercy Manor

Miami Valley Day of Caring

Miami Valley Downs Syndrome Association

Noble Circle

Pink Ribbon Girls

Project Believe

Ronald McDonald House

Salvation Army

Special Olympics

Shoes 4 the Shoeless

St. Vincent De Paul

Special Olympics Ohio

Special Wish Foundation

Summer Camp Programs

The Schneider House of Hope

The Food Bank

The Soldier’s Surgeon

Xenia backpack program


We Care Arts


YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter


National Organizations: 

Hellenic College/Holy Cross

International Orthodox Christian Fellowship

Orthodox Christian Mission Center

National Philoptochos Social Services/Cancer Fund

Philoptochos National Emergency Fund

Retired Clergy Benevolent Fund

Sisterhood of Presbyteres

St. Basil’s Academy

St. Photios Fund


And many more.














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